How we use Visual Thinking approaches to design Digital Government Services that are focused on user needs?

At GovCrate, we use visual thinking approaches to focus our teams on delivering services that address users needs and to facilitate greater collaboration and understanding. This is especially critical when designing digital government services because the design of these services requires team members from the different disciplines that make up the governance stack (Legal, Policy, Operations and Technology). These team members need a common language to collaborate efficiently and effectively. Because of this we developed a visual thinking methodology that has allowed us to quickly and easily get team members speaking the same language. It’s an unorthodox application of the visual thinking approach but it’s use is critical for us in building up highly effective and efficient multi-disciplinary teams that actually deliver services that focus on user needs.

Digital transformation in Pacific Governments

Many government agencies departments in the Pacific still paper based processes despite decades of advancements in information technology. These processes are based on ink and paper based technology and are used to manage large swaths of public sector systems. This leads to manual work that is inefficient, ineffective, and susceptible to corruption. It ensures that Pacific economies will continue to fall behind other countries in an increasingly competitive globalized environment 🌎. Addressing these issues and pain points will require resources to be invested (i.e. time, money, capacity, technology, and social networks).

What is the Governance Cube?

We developed a framework called the governance cube a few years ago to help multi disciplinary teams build a common understanding of government systems. It looks at government systems as having 3 dimensions. These dimensions are:

Governance Domain: these are the places where constraints can be imposed on a system to influence the behaviour of the entities operating within it;

Governance Functions: these are the tasks that are carried out by governments to ensure the entities adhere to the rules;

Governed Entities: these are the entities whose behaviour we are trying to govern.

GOFURS on PulseChain: Blending NFTs with DeFi in a Novel Token Ecosystem

The GOFURS token stands for “Good Old Fashioned Un Registered Security” on the PulseChain blockchain, which is a unique and innovative addition to the PulseChain ecosystem. Here’s the TLDR; 1. Hybrid Token Standard: GOFURS is based on the PRC-404 standard on PulseChain, which also exists as ERC-404 on Ethereum. This standard represents a hybrid approach, … Read more

How to find product market fit with a Minimum Viable Product?

This article provides insights and strategies for building a scalable product-based company, including designing for product go-to-market fit, simplifying product design, and understanding the challenges of bridging the Product Company Gap. Minimum Viable Segment and Customer Research When designing a product for go-to-market fit, it’s essential to focus on building a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) … Read more

Embracing Digital Transformation: The Key to Future Success

Digital transformation presents boundless opportunities for businesses to evolve, thrive, and lead in the digital age. By embracing this paradigm shift, organizations can drive operational excellence, spur innovation, and forge enduring connections with customers. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, proactive adaptation and a commitment to harnessing the power of technology are essential for sustained success in an increasingly digital world.

The Cook Islands Launches Digital Strategy

The Digital Strategy Workplan for the Cook Islands presents a comprehensive and ambitious roadmap for the country’s digital transformation. Its success will depend on the effective implementation of the proposed initiatives and the government’s ability to adapt to the evolving digital landscape.